Institute BCN Adipo Forte, is a Serum for Body Contouring. Adipo Forte Serum helps to improve appearance of stored fat and the appearance of cellulite on the skin surface. BCN Adipo Forte Serum is water base, sterile, pure, no preservatives, no additives or perfumes added. Made in Spain.
Areas: Institute BCN Adipo Forte could be applied on abdominal folds, upper arms, thighs, buttocks, knees and waist.
Vial-Serum | 5 x 10ml | 0,351 fl.oz. e | MesoSerum. Box of 5 x 10 ml.
Topical Use. Apply Institute BCN Adipo Forte on clean and dry body skin and massage until complete absorption. Optionally Adipo Forte can be applied with Dermapen, Micro channeling, Electroporation, Ultrasound or Body Wrap. Non injectable.

Contain: Phosfa-tidylcholine, Deo-xycholate, L-Carnitine, OrganicSilica.
BCN Adipo Forte es un Coctel Lipolitico Mesoterapia, indicado para la reduccion de los depositos de grasa localizada. Para uso corporal en la cintura, area de los glutoes, las llamadas cartucheras, brazos y pliegues abdominales.
*Topical or External use only. Only to be use by cosmetologist and/or medical professionals. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All skins are different, they are exposed to different factors, which is why they react differently, for this reason the effects or results cannot be guaranteed. Please check your country, state and local regulations before apply.