BCN Peel # 01 - Acne Prone is a chemoexfoliant that combines an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), mandelic acid, with a betahydroxy acid (BHA), salicylic acid. It is characterized by its keratolytic, astringent, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, its function of normalization of sebaceous follicle fat and neutralization of propionibacterium acnes, responsible for the infection in acne.
Salicylic acid. It has an important comedolytic effect, keratolytic (accelerates the elimination of corneocytes), astringent and antimicrobial. When applied in high concentration, it produces a "frost" or white epidermolysis on the comedones and acneiform boils that allow the acid to penetrate from the follicular epithelium to the sebaceous gland. It is used with great effectiveness in acne, oily skin and seborrhea. The comedones can be eliminated safely, since it prevents bacterial propagation when handling them.
Mandelic acid. It has a molecular structure greater than other AHAs so it penetrates more slowly in the stratum corneum and requires a longer exposure time. For this reason it does not cause irritation or itching on the skin. It increases the synthesis of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans in the papillary dermis. It also presents an antimicrobial action.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All skins are different, they are exposed to different factors, which is why they react differently, for this reason the effects or results cannot be guaranteed

BCN Peel #01 – Acne Prone es un quimioexfoliante que combina un alfahidroxiácido (AHA), el ácido mandélico, con un betahidroxiácido (BHA), el ácido salicílico. Se caracteriza por su efecto queratolítico, astringente, antimicrobiano y antiinflamatorio, su función de normalización de la grasa del folículo sebáceo y de neutralización del propionibacterium acnes, responsable de la infección en el acné.
Ácido mandélico. Tiene una estructura molecular mayor que otros AHAs por lo que penetra más lentamente en el estrato córneo y requiere un tiempo de exposición mayor. Por esta misma razón no genera irritación ni prurito en la piel. Aumenta la síntesis de colágeno, elastina y glicosaminoglicanos en la dermis papilar. También presenta una acción antimicrobiana.
*Topical or External use only. Only to be use by cosmetologist and/or medical professionals.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Please check your country, state and local Regulations before apply.
* Uso tópico o externo solamente. Solo para uso de cosmetóloga y / o profesionales médicos.
Este producto no está destinado a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad.
Consulte las Regulaciones locales, estatales y locales antes de aplicar.